What’s the Deal with Google+?

One of the most commonly asked questions to social media marketers is “What platform should I be using for my business?”

The plethora of available social media channels that people are using these days makes that decision a really big headache. Usually, companies will automatically focus the majority of their time and energy on Facebook and Twitter. But what about Google+? Should it be part of your social media tactical plan and to what extent?

I found a great article to help answer that question on Social Media Today entitled “Dear Marketers: Ignore Google+ At Your Own Risk.” Author Alexandra Jacopetti lists 8 reasons why you should absolutely incorporate Google+ into your social media marketing strategy. In the following video, you’ll find out why she believes that you should definitely NOT ignore Google+!

Does your company incorporate the use of Google+ into your social media marketing strategy? Why or why not?

2 comments on “What’s the Deal with Google+?

  1. Good Video Sabrina.
    Google+ doesn’t seem to be taking off as quickly as some of the other social media networks, any ideas on why this is?

  2. I often ask myself this question! My company is active on Google+ but we don’t invest a ton of time into it. Industry resources often emphasize the importance of Google+ and I can definitely see it from a SEO perspective but I know very few people in the real world that utilize this platform in their every day life. I think it’s important to have a presence on Google+ as a business but I’m still very skeptical!

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